dinsdag 5 augustus 2014

Why your brand needs a style guide, and how to create one

Style guidesA lot of designers and creatives overlook the need for a brand style guide (also called a brand bible by some, or included as part of a brand bible) — something that gives a clear set of rules for how the marketing materials online, and off, should look.

Style guides can save you time, money, and tons of frustration down the road, making your marketing materials easier to maintain and create. Consider it like an extension of well-commented markup; it gives you instructions for exactly how things should be done, and sometimes even insight into why.

If you’re not convinced you need one for pretty much every brand or company you work with, or if you’re not sure how to create one, read on…

Why every brand should have a style guide

A style guide might seem unnecessary for a small company, or when there’s only one designer. But really, every brand out there should have a style and branding guide to make sure that every visual element they produce is consistent.

Let’s take the one designer idea first. So you’re the lone designer on a project for your company. You design their logo, website, business cards, and every other bit of marketing material they need. You know all of the elements by heart.

Now, a year later the company has tripled in size, and suddenly they need to hire a second designer to handle some of your workload. You get the fun of teaching this new person all of the guidelines for the brand from memory. Including a lot of things you haven’t even thought of in the past year.