woensdag 13 augustus 2014

The Beginner’s Road Map to PHP Success

Learning something from scratch can be intimidating sometimes. Oftentimes, you simply have no idea where to start or how to learn all what you want to learn within a specific amount of time. One such example is PHP. A lot of people are still figuring out PHP success at the moment.

Although PHP is one of the easiest languages to learn out there, it is somewhat difficult to master.

There are some instances wherein there is a plenty of ways to do a PHP program but only two or three are accepted as valid answers within the PHP Community.

This may vary according to opinions and concepts of different PHP developers. For some logical programmers, learning PHP is only skin on the pig.

What do I mean?

Logical programmers who know the logic of a project usually dissects it into logical components and elements. Next, they order the operations to be used before finally coding it in a language. This gives them the ability to learn easily any language under the sun that varies often on the syntax or structure of codes.

For a complete beginner, it maybe a different process of learning. There’s a lot to learn when it comes to PHP and MySQL, but getting up and running with the basics will only take a little bit of time.

This article is intentionally made to be your road map to your PHP learning curve. We will also tackle the best resources you can check out just in case you will be stuck in certain codes or tasks. OK, enough talking. Let’s jump in.


I’ve never thought of PHP as more than a simple tool to solve problems.

-Rasmus Lerdorf, Creator of PHP

Road Map #1: Understand What PHP and MySQL Are


Although every beginner is excited to jump on the coding part and skip the definition or theory part of PHP, it is a good start to know what the language was made for. Things like “PHP scripts are executed on the web server then the result is displayed using HTML on a web browser” is a must know before diving into the syntax.

Aside from this, you also need to learn MySQL because both PHP and MySQL work together like pen and paper. It is also essential to learn how MySQL can drive the creation, editing, updating of information under the databases on your server.

Road Map #2: Get a Web Hosting Server or Install an Offline Web Server


In order to use PHP and MySQL, you will need to have a web server. PHP codes are executed on the web server so you need to have one either online or offline.

There are plenty of good but cheap server hosting providers out there like Hostgator and Bluehost that you might want use. You might want check this article as a guide before you decide which server will serve your needs.