woensdag 20 augustus 2014

Do you have what it takes to be an art director?

thumbnailWhen I first set out to find a standard definition of art direction, it took me three sessions — not search terms, but sessions — to dig past fluff (articles that use a lot of words to say very little), self promotion (“art direction is hey I’m really special and you should hire me”), and general writings about creative leadership (which you should look up, too, because it’s at least as important as art direction).

The most succinct (if seo-frilled) article I found on the subject was on sokanu.com, a career assessment site. According to Sokanu, art directors are essentially responsible for the visual style and imagery of a project, a campaign or an entire brand. I would add that they are often hired to maintain a standard of quality.

Like many management positions, the art director role varies widely from company to company. It reflects the history of how the position evolved within that particular company and the leadership styles of the first individuals who took the reigns. It may be obvious, but still worth mentioning, that the role is also different depending on the type of company. Try visualizing it along a spectrum that spans from small creative agency to large design-aware business to large design-oblivious business.

Interestingly, a lot of this sounds like creative direction, according to an article in Fast Co.CREATE. The vaguaries are probably due in part to the veil of mystique and ego we continue to lay over creativity. More significantly, the creative director role has also evolved as departments expand and hire multiple art directors, and a design-savvy leader is needed to coordinate an increasingly complex array of projects. Even so, the titles are mired, mis-used and overused, so let’s get back to this Art Director thing.

What do art directors do?

To varying degrees, and with room for cool or awful surprises, you’ll find that art directors do some combination of:

  • determining project requirements and objectives (often in some form of creative brief;)

  • determining the visual style and personality of a project, publication or brand;

  • interfacing between stakeholders/clients and the creative team;

  • reviewing and pre-approving all concepts and artwork before it is presented to stakeholders;

  • presenting and discussing work with stakeholders;

  • supervising and mentoring junior designers;

  • developing budgets and timelines;

  • coordinating the efforts of a design team with other teams.

Blimp art director, James Fenton, also has some constructive insights in this Creative Bloq interview. He compares an art director to a chef, who must understand the qualities of all available ingredients — in our case, the gifts and strengths of individual team members — and develop the craft of drawing out (read: inspiring) and blending them to create a unified experience.

An interesting side-note, by the way: Fenton isn’t the only one to use the chef analogy when explaining what art directors do.