maandag 21 juli 2014

Turning Web Design Into A Commodity

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Since website builders appeared on the web design landscape, they’ve upended many traditions. Presently, you don’t really have to concern yourself with technicalities anymore, unless you absolutely want to.

You can just devote all of your attention to the feel and look of your websites, instead. A fast-growing number of graphic and web designers choose to employ proficient builders, and they create sites for their clients with unprecedented ease.

Website builders for the win

Launching a website didn’t use to be a one-track process. Aside from the creative act of building it, you also had to search the markets for resources to use, as well as ensure hosting, connect to a self-standing domain and get an e-mail account associated with the site.

Coding a website takes a lot of time which most of us don’t have. The alternative is to use a website builder and choose from thousands of templates and themes that will perfectly suit your business purpose. Sidebars, email contact forms, add-ons and all the additional design elements you can get from coding your website will also be seen when using a website builder.

The fact that you don’t need any special skills for creating a website with one of these website builders makes a lot of folks happy. There are a lot of designers who don’t know how to code and even designers who do know a bit of code, but prefer using a website builder. It’s an easy way of creating a website even within minutes.

IM Creator 1

The best website building tools are ‘all-inclusive’, which means that you’d get all of the above mentioned things in one place. This, along with focusing solely on design and layout, saves time. Thus, you’d be able to take on more contracts. Not to mention, once the site goes live, your clients would be free to add or edit its content of their own accord.

A lot of people agree on the idea that creating a website shouldn’t be complicated, time-consuming or expensive. With a website builder you are in complete control and everything is easy to do. You just have to come up with your site strategy and implement it easily.

Case study: IM Creator

Take IM Creator, for instance. It’s a free online site crafting platform that has so far ‘produced’ more than 5 million websites based on HTML5, and hosted on dependable Amazon servers. You can choose a template, then use the drag-and-drop editor to add text, images, videos, widgets, maps, and customized forms.

IM Creator 2

The design studio allows you to create a site that stays true to your clients’ brand identity in terms of colors, logos, and customized integrations. Besides, countless high-quality designer assets pile up in IM Free, an anti-stock manifest that will make your job even more pleasant.

Website builders have a dark side

It’s no secret that browser-based site making tools give you many fine-looking templates to choose from, and you can change their sample content for your own, but the bottom line is that you’ll have to stick with that choice through and through – website builders don’t let you mess around with the established HTML or CSS code, to customize a template further.


As long as you pick the template carefully from the very beginning, I see no reason why website builders like IM Creator wouldn’t make a viable solution for your client projects. Your cash flow would increase if you take on a bigger number of projects, and besides, you wouldn’t have to appeal to your own or other people’s programming skills to get marvelous results. So I can’t help but ask, why not go for an accomplished tool, like IM Creator?

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Turning Web Design Into A Commodity

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