maandag 21 juli 2014

How to add watermark text in Photoshop | How to watermark photos

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Sometimes you may not want others to use your image, but you can’t exactly stop people from downloading the images. In that case, it is recommended to add watermark text to the image. Watermark will protect your images from people downloading and using them without your consent. Follow the steps provided in this tutorial to add watermark text to any photo or image.

Steps to add watermark text in Photoshop

1. First of all, open Adobe Photoshop. We are using Adobe Photoshop CS5.5 but this also works on earlier or later versions.


2. Next, create a new document by choosing File > New and choose Web from Preset. And select 800 X 600 from Size. Then select Transparent from Background Contents. Then click on the OK button.


3. Next, from the toolbox, select Horizontal Type Tool. Choose any font type and size you like. In our case, we have chosen Arial and size = 30pt. Also, click center text from the option bar.


4. Next, type your copyright text. If you want to insert copyright sign, then open character map which is usually located in Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map. Then click copyright sign and click select and then click copy.


5. Rotate the text a bit by pressing ctrl+t. And then you will see transform handle. There you will see rotating handle. Drag it and rotate a bit. Alternatively, you can also rotate by using option from the menu bar, click Edit > Transform > Rotate.


6. Next, from the menu bar, select Image > Trim and check Transparent Pixels. Then click OK. This will trim the transparent portion around the text.


7. Next, we will have to define our copyright text as a pattern. To do that, from the menu bar, select Edit > Define Pattern and give any name. At our end, we named it copyright and clicked on the OK button.


8. Next, Open the image where you want to add copyright text. To do that, click on the File >> Open and select the file you want to open. Then click on the Open button.


9. Next, we will have to add copyright text in a new layer, so you need to add a new blank layer. To do that, from the menu bar, choose Layer > New > Layer and click OK, or open layers palette by pressing f7 and click on the create new layer button.


10. Next, from the menu bar, choose Edit > Fill. Then from Contents section, choose Pattern and from Custom Pattern choose the copyright text we have created earlier. Select Soft Light in Mode under Blending and set Opacity = 50%. This will make our copyright text lighter so the image can be seen clearly.


This completes our tutorial on how to add watermark text in Photoshop. If you were able to watermark photos or images with the help this tutorial, please leave a comment below!

The post How to add watermark text in Photoshop | How to watermark photos appeared first on Web Design Blog | Magazine for Designers.

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